Artist ProfileGregg Albracht |
![]() Once Upon a Time Photography |
Greg Albracht started down the photography trail 30 years ago when he was inspired by some black-and-white images taken by another photographer. Many of his photographs are considered a window to the west - not the west of billboards and subdivisions - but a timeless place where human beings live in deep connection to the animals and the land. "My photographs never look like the original scene," he explains. "You try to work your magic in the dark room. You have to master technique in order to be able to come up with a print that expresses how you felt at the moment. You know when the moment has passed." He's not after a uniform look which would tie his photographs together, approaching each new image as if it's the first he's ever done. He experiments with a variety of toners and photographic papers which respond differently to different techniques in order to find the one which best sets the mood. Albracht studied philosophy at Regis College in Denver. He has had more than 80 shows all over the west and has won more than 25 regional and national awards. His photographs are exhibited in museum collections throughout the country including collections in Montana, Santa Fe, Nebraska, and Washington, D.C. |