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Artist Profile

Bill Sanders
Blue Horse
Blue Horse



I was born in Shanghai, China in 1948 and lived in the Philippines, Japan, Thailand and Singapore. I started my ceramics journey in a high school in Northern Philippines in 1963. From that point on I was hooked on clay however the journey back to clay would take a while.

Two years of high school in Colorado Springs were followed by a BSBA from University of Denver, a short stint with Uncle Sam in Germany (rather than Vietnam) and a MBA from Boston University. A couple of years in the big corporate world were enough so I moved to Honolulu in 1977 to start a hardwood lumber company.

In Honolulu ceramics once again became a reality. Hawaii with its Asian influence has a history of clay being one of the premier art forms. The opportunity to study with the Chinese ceramic artist May Chee while attending The Honolulu Academy of Arts brought everything to a full circle. I also had the privilege of studying under Yukio Ozaki at the Hawaii Potters Guild, which allowed me to further hone my craft.

Ursus Terra / Bear of the Earth
Ceramic Bears by Bill Sanders

The bears were constructed of wheel thrown components, altered and assembled. Sculpture is normally an additive process, i.e. adding wax to an armature or a subtractive process, ie. carving away marble. My sculptures employ neither process, I take pieces off the wheel, cut & assemble as a tailor would build a coat. Strong finger marks in the throwing process accent the fluidity and strength of the animal's muscles. As pieces are constructed, care is taken at the joining to keep the flow of the structure. Details are minimized with just enough information given to have the allusion of "bearness". The bears are fired to cone 10 with a red iron oxide matte glaze. The glaze was chosen to emphasize the bear's coat & the throwing lines.

Located Downtown at 802 Lincoln Avenue
PO Box 770879, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477

970-879-5515   or   970-819-2850